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Best Co-Parenting Apps - Top 5
Co-parenting is never as easy as it seems. Often, unnecessary time is wasted on arguments involving finances, visitation schedules, and...

The Dangers of Social Media During Litigation
It is common for many people to post on social media regarding their life and activities on a daily basis. Facebook, Instagram,...

How Nude Selfies Can Have Drastic Consequences
It seems that Kim Kardashian has once again posted nude selfies on the internet which, shocks nobody. However, nude photographs sent by a...

How Smoking Affects Child Custody
Child custody and visitation privileges are something often decided by the courts based on what they consider to be in the “best interest...

Why do we have more than one family court?
In Mecklenburg County, North Carolina our family law division of the court system has several distinct sections. We have court for...

Am I Entitled to Alimony or Will I Be Obligated to Pay?
Alimony, often referred to as spousal support, varies widely based on the state that you live in. Here are some key points regarding...

When can a mediated settlement agreement be modified for child custody?
In many divorce actions, husband and wife will enter into a voluntary settlement agreement that gives specific details regarding child...
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