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Alimony: Post-separation Support and Permanent Alimony
There are two types of spousal support in North Carolina available to a dependent spouse. The first, called "Post-separation Support", is...

Best Co-Parenting Apps - Top 5
Co-parenting is never as easy as it seems. Often, unnecessary time is wasted on arguments involving finances, visitation schedules, and...

How Smoking Affects Child Custody
Child custody and visitation privileges are something often decided by the courts based on what they consider to be in the “best interest...

Divorce: How, Why, and...When?
This may seem like an untimely post considering Valentine’s Day is coming up this weekend. However, for divorce lawyers, February is...

I Think My Spouse Is Cheating: Should I Hire a Private Investigator?
So you suspect your spouse may be having an affair and one of your first thoughts might be, “Should I hire a private investigator?” The...

When can a mediated settlement agreement be modified for child custody?
In many divorce actions, husband and wife will enter into a voluntary settlement agreement that gives specific details regarding child...

That’s Ludicrous: What Factors Does a Judge Consider When Awarding Custody?
If you are going through a divorce and/or in the process of dealing with child custody rights, the story of Ludacris’ battle to gain full...
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